Access Control Systems
Q3’s access control systems are designed to control access to sites of all sizes and in all environments.
Technologies such as swipe cards, proximity tokens, PIN entry keypads and sophisticated biometric devices, systems can be designed around new or existing hardware to provide an effective solution for a single site, or multiple sites.
Biometric Access Control includes everything that requires identity authentication by scanning a person’s unique physical characteristics.
It is used where high security is a necessity due to its superiority compared with conventional access control methods. Hospitals, police, the military as well as the financial industry all use physical access biometrics for the purpose of greater security and efficiency.
The most remarkable thing about physical access control as opposed to conventional security solutions is its ability to capture complex and detailed images of physical traits, encode this in files and compare sets of data within seconds. This advanced technology has become a serious option for the average homeowner and is essential in office buildings, hospitals and military bases. It requires advanced software and middleware to successfully maintain a biometric security network for physical access but the security provided is unmatched.
Do you want to enhance security of your business facilities by installing a keypad access control system? Q3 offers the best solution for you.
Q3 offers different advanced types of Keypad Access Control Systems for protection of your business that will meet both your demands and budget. We are able to supply our clients with the on-site estimates and physical security consulting, the latest technology installation, at the highest quality and the best value.
Keypad Access Control Systems reduce cost due to the subtraction of professional security guards. Keypads also have the bility to record entries and exits, protect sensitive areas and maintain both public and “employees only” areas simultaneously.